We stand alongside businesses to ensure a safe and fair workplace for all.
When the unexpected things come up, as they do in business, we provide expert advice to give you the peace of mind that your decisions and your actions are the right ones.
One of our workplace relations consultants reviews your workplace practices to identify any gaps and implement appropriate solutions.
We provide best practice tools to lay the foundations for a fair and safe workplace. Documentation includes tailored policies, contracts and forms.
We will provide you with advice as well as follow up with any relevant documentation.
Employsure have been very helpful so far, and have already saved me a lot of time. The advice line has been helpful and the preparing of the docs have been helpful as well
Kiwi Holiday Insurance
We review your workplace processes and documents to identify specific gaps and solutions. Based on this, we provide you with the best practice tools, to lay the foundations for ensuring a fair and safe workplace.
In the event of a protected claim, we will work with you every step of the way and if the matter goes to court, we will refer you to our partner law firm for representation.
Safeguarding our clients against the financial costs of workplace claims, litigation and the legal risks of running a small business.
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0800 568 012Existing clients call
0800 675 700Existing clients (overseas)
+64 9 941 5205Employsure Office
8 Tangihua Street, Auckland CBDAbout
Copyright © 2025 Peninsula Group NZ Limited NZBN 9429042175179
Peninsula Protect is a discretionary risk product issued by Peninsula Mutual Limited ACN 630 256 478 AFS Licence No. 544232. Peninsula Mutual Limited has appointed Peninsula Group NZ Limited NZBN 9429042175179 to distribute the discretionary risk product in New Zealand. To decide if this product is right for you, please read the Peninsula Protect Product Disclosure Statement.