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Mother’s Day 2022

Published May 5, 2022 (last updated on May 15, 2024) | Adam Wyatt - Copywriter and Content Creator


Mother’s Day has long been a part of the New Zealand calendar, but have you ever wondered where the idea originated from?

Mother’s Day has multiple origins around the world, as several countries celebrate the day at different times and months. In 1908, Anna Jarvis organised a special church service as a tribute to her late mother in the United States. This tribute was also aimed at honouring all mothers, those who were living and those who had passed away. Anna campaigned to ministers and leaders to make the day a national holiday. In 1914, a resolution was passed in the house of representatives to celebrate the second Sunday in May as Mother’s Day.

Many countries across the world, including New Zealand have adopted the Mother’s Day celebration based on United States.

“Motherhood is an unending journey”

Over time, Mother’s Day has been heavily commercialised; however, Mother’s Day still serves as a reminder of what mothers mean to us. Even though we should celebrate and spoil our mothers on any given day throughout the year; the denoted day gives us all an excuse to express our utmost gratitude.

A mother is your first friend, your best friend, your forever friend. They’re the first people we intimately know the moment we enter the world, and their role continues with no end in sight. A mother never stops loving, caring, or worrying over her children. Simply put, Motherhood is an unending journey with no end in sight.

We would like to honour and thank all our mothers for their selfless love, and we hope that the day is laced with beautiful memories to cherish over the years. Happy Mother’s Day!

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