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Struggling to hire casuals?

Published August 24, 2022 (last updated on July 1, 2024) | Adam Wyatt - Copywriter and Content Creator


There’s no doubt the retail and hospitality industries have been hard hit over the past few years amidst COVID lockdowns, restrictions, border closures and chronic labour shortages. The retail and hospitality industries are one of the largest employers of casual workers but hiring casuals has become incredibly difficult.   

New Zealand Labour Shortage

Unemployment rate is at a 36-year low of 3.2%. The chronic labour shortage is attributed to the lack of overseas and student workers, due to border closures and strict international travel restrictions. This means that there is a lack of jobseekers and staff, leaving businesses struggling to hire casuals.  

As Christmas fast approaches, hiring casual employees is a pressing concern for a lot of business owners.  

Moving into the busiest time of year for retail and hospitality businesses, the NZ labour shortage is a difficult reality to face for business owners, as they seek to rebuild after the devastation and disruption brought by COVID lockdowns and restrictions over the past few years. Wellington Chamber of Commerce chief executive Simon Arcus commented that it was an “Economy-wide shortage, with workers of all skill levels in demand.”  

Retaining Casual Employees

With demand for staff much higher than supply, business owners need to find unique ways to stand out when hiring casual employees. They would either need to consider flexibility in work or the option to work part-time to tide them over. Some business owners have started offering cash incentives and perks to try to make their business more attractive to those looking for casual employment.   

The retail and hospitality industries also deal with high staff turnover, so it’s not just hiring casual employees that’s a challenge, but also keeping them. While business owners can’t always control staff leaving, they can improve staff retention rates by having a good onboarding process, conducting effective training, and developing a good work culture.   

If you’re a business owner and you don’t have a good onboarding process in your business, you can download our free onboarding template here. This template includes how to prepare your business with the right onboarding documents, tips to make your new staff feel welcome on their first day and practical ways to ensure they are a good fit for your business.    

Hiring Casuals

With Christmas just around the corner, now is the time to be thinking about hiring casual employees in your business. Casual employment is more complex than you may think, especially around correct payment and entitlements. Ensure you are across the ins and outs of hiring casual employees and your obligations as an employer.  

Employsure can help you with any questions you have about hiring and managing casual employees in your business. Call our 24/7 FREE Advice linetoday.  

Hiring Casuals: A quick factsheet for retail and hospitality employers

Casual employment is more complicated than it seems! Make sure you know the ins and outs of hiring casuals and your obligations as an employer. Download our factsheet today!

Download Now

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