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COVID-19 Vaccinations Kit for Employers

COVID brought with it countless unprecedented changes to arguably every facet of our lives, and none more so than work. Now, there’s a new hill to climb – the COVID-19 vaccination.



As it stands, the Government has stated the vaccine won’t be mandatory. In addition, there are currently no legislative grounds or public health directives which permit an employer to require employees be vaccinated against COVID-19 (or any other disease).  

So, the question remains – what are your options as an employer? Can you direct your staff to take the vaccine? Must your staff be vaccinated, anyway? And what can you do if my employees refuse to follow as instructed? 

Have all those questions answered, and more, in Employsure’s Employer Guide to COVID-19 Vaccinations in the Workplace. 


  • Free eGuide answering your most commonly asked questions 
  • Template Immunisation and Infection Control Policy 
  • Template Vaccine Register 

This is vital information for any small business owner or employer. 

The information in this guide is of a general nature only and is not a substitute for advice from a workplace relations expert. For further information regarding the vaccine itself, medical advice, or public health law, seek out the advice of a relevant expert. 

Download your Free Guide Now

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