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The Ultimate Guide to Operating Through Omicron

 The Ultimate Guide to Omicron answers ALL the questions you might have on how to keep open and operating through Omicron.




Battling Operating through Omicron whilst many of your employees are awaiting test results or isolating with sickness? In this guide we cover:

  1. Reducing hours of work for workers who aren’t able to attend the workplace  
  1. Overtime to cover workers who are sick or isolating 
  1. Adjusting tasks/job description for workers who are well but unable to attend 
  1. Hiring temporary staff to cover sick or isolating workers.  
  1. Manage leave effectively 
  1. Managing infections in the workplace 
  1. WFH – Flexible Working 
  1. WFH – Health & Safety 
  1. Redundancies 
  1. Government Scheme Support to help with effects of the pandemic. 

Includes Toolkit: 

  • Absence Options Chart 
  • Infection Policy  
  • Flexible Working Policy 

Discover everything you need to know with this 1 easy free download.  

The information in this guide is of a general nature only and is not a substitute for advice from a workplace relations expert. For further information regarding the vaccine itself, medical advice, or public health law, seek out the advice of a relevant expert.


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