A story to hear
Hearing about Employsure took a new level for one of our clients, Hear Again operated by Steve and Samantha Foster. Steve has been in the audio testing sector for many years now and has enjoyed the career he has had, Samantha had worked for many years in accounts. For Steve and Samantha, this was the toughest step – taking the jump from a salary based life to running their own independent business.
It is a challenging one for many to make, but Steve and Samantha are lucky to be providing a service which delivers instant results with their clients often leaving with a smile on the face. Steve reflected fondly on the amount of people who walk out saying “I can hear again” as they see signage of his store and realise how appropriate the name of his business is.
For Steve there have been challenges, but his strongest belief is there is support out there. The knowledge coming from so many years as an audiometrist can only be described as extraordinary, however Steve and Samantha have taken a bigger leap and realised there are some aspects of business they may need some assistance.
By having Employsure, Steve and Samantha access an extensive team of knowledgeable professionals, removing the mental pressure of workplace management. This is the type of gap Employsure is happy to fill, and if Steve and Samantha continue many more years of success, then it’s success all round.