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Published April 26, 2017 (last updated on July 1, 2024) | Adam Wyatt - Copywriter and Content Creator

When assessing potential candidates for your advertised job, it’s important to go beyond their qualifications and experience. One effective way to gauge their suitability for the role is by asking behavioural interview questions. These types of questions can reveal how the candidate has handled certain situations in the past and give you insight into their problem-solving skills, communication abilities, and work ethic.

Underpinning the recruitment process in New Zealand is the Employment Relations Act 2000 which provides minimum standards for how to conduct standard job recruitment. The process is designed to ensure you can obtain the most suitable candidate, but that this is done with fairness and without discrimination.

What to include in an ad for job recruitment

When advertising a position, it is important to engage the largest number of potential employees and hook them in with interesting content. Besides making the job advert exciting the recruitment process is clear in what needs to be outlined in its content.

Recruitment efforts should include the location of the job, being specific on regions in big cities like Auckland. Although, if you choose to be broad in region be prepared for applicants to have questions around this flexibility and where the job is actually based. The job title and outline of work is one field where accuracy is important. In every point of the recruitment process the job title must reflect the level of the job, meaning if there is no management duty in the role don’t list this in the title. There is also no need for a whole job description in the advert but enough to outline to the candidate what they can expect following success in their application.

The skills required should be listed, and a brief outline of why someone would want to work in your organisation. Importantly, including contact information for you or someone in your organisation is an easy way to ensure those interested can engage with you directly.

Legal requirements in recruitment

The private sector is different to the public sector in job recruitment as there is no legal requirement to advertise for a job, unless it is stated in employment agreements or workplace policies. In the case where some firms have additional requirements, it will often be in a policy that a job must be advertised internally before it is advertised externally.

It’s important to note that some companies may offer a 90 day trial period as part of their recruitment process, which allows both the employer and employee to determine if they are a good fit for each other.

Recruitment is a necessary part of growing a business but there are steps which need to be followed to ensure the recruitment process is adding value to your business. For advice call 0800 365 514 for support from a specialist day or night.

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