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International Women’s Day 2023

Published February 28, 2023 (last updated on November 24, 2023) | Adam Wyatt - Copywriter and Content Creator

United Nations reported in 2022 that women’s exclusion from the digital world has reduced $1 trillion from the gross domestic product of low-and middle-income countries in the last decade, a loss that can reach $1.5 trillion by 2025 without action. Keeping this in mind, the theme for International Women’s Day 2023 is ‘DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality.’

On International Women’s Day 2023, we have to step up the momentum, truly introspect on what we wish to achieve, and focus on female empowerment and gender equity. Business owners and employers are in a unique position to be the first in line to understand what women want and need to succeed. They can reach out and assess the necessary tools required for women to progress in their careers and roles.

Historically, this day has been an opportunity to honour the courage and determination of all the women who have changed history and acts as a platform for all those who will continue to do so, in the pursuit of gender equality for generations to come. However, a gender-responsive approach and planning can empower women to break barriers, overcome obstacles, and reach for opportunities previously unheard of.

 Companies and businesses can open the doors to a global digital transformation by ensuring women get access to digital skills and technologies. Bringing women into technological roles and responsibilities unlocks great potential for innovations and success.

We live in a world of endless possibilities, a world where we should be constantly moving toward the end of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. A world built on diversity, equity, and inclusiveness and a world where difference is valued and celebrated. Imagine such a world, a world where the next generation of women will never have to worry if their voices will be heard, or their opinions valued. That is the kind of world we must strive to build and normalize. 

We have so much to celebrate at Employsure this International Women’s Day, with so many talented women in our organisation leading, inspiring, challenging norms, and driving change! Together, we can forge gender equality and innovation.

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