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Cathedral Cove Natural.

Published: December 5, 2023

Employsure’s video series Small Business State of Mind takes a peek at New Zealand small businesses to understand the challenges, achievements and motivation behind the nation’s small businesses. In this episode, Hamish of Cathedral Cove Natural shares his experience running a business and tips for others.

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Cathedral Cove Natural

I had been on my OE to London and became very disillusioned with the food chain, hearing stories about the use of chemicals in a lot of food products and decided that there should be more natural foods available. I realised that there was an opportunity to manufacture such products. So I came back into the country and worked on the family macadamia orchid and from there grew it into our own division Cathedral Cove Naturals. The biggest challenge is growing at the pace of demand for the product. There was no other coconut yogurt packaged in glass in supermarkets when we first established and so the real challenge was getting the distribution to a certain level to allow us to invest further in the business. Brand loyalty, it’s very important to stick to your values and certainly as your business grows and you face new challenges not to lose sight of those values that you set out in the beginning.

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