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Uprite Scaffolding.

Published: December 15, 2017

Employsure’s video series Small Business State of Mind takes a peek at New Zealand small businesses to understand the challenges, achievements and motivation behind the nation’s small businesses. This month, Chad of Uprite Scaffolding shares his experience running a business and tips for others.

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Uprite Scaffolding

I was originally a builder and the company that we were using to do our scaffolding was very unprofessional so we sort of saw a hole in the market and thought that we could relate to other builders and being a builder myself I could sort of talk to them about what they need and how they need it It just gives me that sort of insight into what they want and what they need Resources is definitely a big one we’ve turned down jobs that are pretty big and lucrative jobs because we just can’t afford to buy a lot more gear and stuff like that another one would be staff the fact that there is a shortage of scaffolds in New Zealand it’s pretty hard to keep and have good staff would be our main challenge My advice would be to try and do some research on the business you know, if you’re in that industry to start with it’s definitely a big help just because you know there are a lot of ins and outs to a company that you don’t sort of see from the outside when you’re looking in when you’re involved in it there’s a lot more to it than people think We were probably a little bit naive when we started and even though we were builders we were in the construction industry we didn’t sort of take on how involved it was going to be running a scaffolding company so we, it opened our eyes to that. You’ve got to basically just work hard and be passionate about what you do for sure.

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